Modern concepts of artificial lung ventilation during general anesthesia in cancer patients: А literature review


  • N.R. Abdukhalilov
  • A.A. Arynov
  • D.A. Baidaulet
  • M.B. Mukanova
  • A.A. Nurmanova
  • E.A. Seidalieva KazNIIOiR
  • V.V. Chursin


modern concepts of mechanical ventilation, postoperative pulmonary complications, low tidal volume, individualized PEEP


Relevance: Among patients who have undergone extensive surgical interventions under general anesthesia with artificial ventilation (ventilator), various postoperative respiratory complications of an obstructive or restrictive nature are often found.

The study aimed to generalizе current data from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and scientific publications on the use of preventive and therapeutic strategies for lung ventilation to improve the quality of anesthetic care for cancer patients.
Methods: The PubMed Electronic Database (NCBI) was searched to identify randomized controlled and prospective observational studies, sys-tematic reviews, and meta-analyses, as well as scientific articles published in English between 2016 and 2023 that focused on the results of application and comparison of lung protective ventilation strategies with conventional mechanical ventilation in patients undergoing major and prolonged surgery.
Results: As a result of a comparison of data from a review of large-scale scientific studies and articles, a relationship was established between the use of a protective lung ventilation strategy with a low tidal volume (6-8 ml/kg of ideal body weight), in combination with individualized PEEP, periodic lung recruitment maneuvers and significant improvement in clinical outcomes, respiratory complications, early mortality and length of hospital stay in patients undergoing surgery.
Conclusion: Using protective lung ventilation during anesthesia during major surgical interventions reduces the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications.


