Laparoscopic cystectomy with lymphadenectomy and ileoconduitis creation: А case report
Relevance: Radical cystectomy remains the “gold stan-dard” of treatment for muscle-invasive and locally advanced bladder cancer. The article describes the capacity and tech-nique of laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy with lymphadenec-tomy and the creation of an ileoconduitis in bladder cancer, since the authors could not find publications on conducting laparoscopic cystoprostatectomy with the creation of an ile-oconduitis in oncological and urological clinics in Kazakhstan by domestic specialists.
The purpose was to describe an attempt to reproduce lap-aroscopically the method of open radical cystectomy as accu-rately as possible.
Results: In the described case, the patient diagnosed with the bladder cancer T2N0M0 IIst underwent surgery in the form of laparoscopic cystectomy with lymphadenectomy and the cre-ation of an ileoconduitis. This method of surgical intervention is minimally invasive, less traumatic, and ensures quick recovery in the postoperative period.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic execution of radical cystectomy allows preserving the advantages of minimally invasive inter-ventions without losing the reliability of the well-proven open surgery. Currently, the implementation of such minimally inva-sive surgical interventions is possible in many clinics in Kazakh-stan, equipped with endoscopic video equipment, if there are specialists experienced in open surgery.